What is the AGILE method and how can you use it in your business

We tell you everything about the system that allows you to test and correct on the fly, as you progress with your strategies.

In a dynamic and constantly changing world, moving at full speed, there is no time to be very perfectionist. We have to have the agility to go out into the arena and test ourselves as things evolve.. For that, you have to make friends with the mistake, and understand that we are learning at all times. Today we tell you all about the method that is all the rage in organizations.

If that first version of what you do does not give you a little shame, it's because you went out late. But what are we talking about? of agility. A very trendy concept, basically, refers to encourage us! To take risks and learn along the way, as we go through the beautiful process of making. This does not mean that we are improvised, quite the opposite: lagility lies in making progressive improvements as we learn. It would be like the "recalculating" of the GPS.

what is agility?

agile methods, as opposed to traditional methods, emphasize a fast and flexible process. They are widely used in business., to get what's called an MVP (minimum viable product) and in this way begin to test how it works in the market to "recalculate" and make improvements as we learn., transiting an iterative method. For example, if you have a hobby that you are passionate about and you are thinking of turning it into your business, develop a good proposal, of course, well thought out and evaluated, but noor become so perfectionist. Launch yourself and you will perfect your product or service as you get to know your client better.

This way of working can provide you with many advantages:

  • A much more dynamic work methodology.
  • Iterative processes that allow constant learning.
  • Make decisions repeatedly (not only at the beginning, as in traditional methods).
  • Take failure as part of learning.
  • Anticipate risks as you go.
  • Have deliverables soon.
  • Achieve a good retrospective of the improvement.
  • Make a gradual investment (versus the traditional method, with which everything is given at the beginning).

Let's look at an example: Let's say you love cooking and you're good at making cakes and desserts.. You decide to launch your business. You start by doing a market study, you evaluate your competition, you develop the value proposition for your potential customers, you calculate costs, prices, etc. The traditional method would propose that you spend a lot of time doing each of these steps in detail and that you develop all the cake options that you are going to offer for the next 3 a 5 6 years, that you evaluate all the risks that could arise and how to counteract them, etc. Instead, the agile method suggests that, after going through the aforementioned analyses., you launch yourself on the market with a couple of recipes to test if what has been evaluated is correct. See the acceptance, make the necessary corrections and gradually grow, adding new recipes as the first releases take hold. The most important thing to be agile is to learn as you go through the process. Never lose your self-critical capacity, your ability to listen, to observe, to be open to changes. Remember that nothing is constant, everything is dynamic. There is no other way to be agile than to accept change as the only constant.

Also apply the Business model canvas (BMC)

This tool is very useful to analyze an idea or new project. Completing each of its quadrants, the BMC allows you to visualize the general idea at a glance and detect areas of opportunity. The 9 quadrants to complete are: 1. Value proposal. 2. customer segments. 3. Relationship with your customers. 4. (Channels. 5. key activities. 6. key resources. 7. key partners. 8. costs. 9. Income.

And you? How do you see yourself using this method? How flexible are you when it comes to moving with the speed of current changes?